Woodlands School


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Our Outreach Offer

At Woodlands we provide a range of outreach services, to share our specialist knowledge and experience with other professionals . The aim is to support inclusion and good quality support for children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) in all nurseries, schools and other settings.


A specialist teacher who is experienced in working with children with special needs can provide support and advice in some or all of the following areas as appropriate to the individual needs of each school and pupil:

  • Behaviour risk assessment and positive behaviour strategies
  • ICT including specialist hardware and software to enable curriculum access
  • Curriculum assessment and differentiation
  • Communication
  • Loan of specialist resources
  • Support with IEPs and Annual Reviews
  • Liaison with other professionals involved with each child as required


Please see below for our price list and outreach schedule for the year.


To book please email outreachandtraining@woodlands.harrow.sch.uk

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