Woodlands School Governors
Every maintained school must have a Governing Board consisting of individual governors who are representatives of parents, members of the community, the Local Authority and staff. They have a skill set which meets the needs of the school improvement agenda.
The Governors of Woodlands School are at the heart of how the school operates.
Our governing body has three core functions:
· Setting the strategic direction of the school.
· Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance
of the school.
· Ensuring financial health, probity and value for money.
Our Governing Board has a very good skills set and includes governors who have excellent financial understanding, good understanding of education and SEN and parents who bring their unique perspective and represent our ‘parent voice’.
The Governors meet once each term for a full Governors meeting where any points or decisions made in the sub-committee meetings are discussed. Sub-committee meetings occur once a half term.
All constituted governors have voting rights. Associate members do not at Full Governing Body meetings, but can have at Committee level meetings if the Terms of Reference say that they do. We currently have one Associate member (Clare Power, Deputy Headteacher), who sits on the Curriculum, Achievement and Families Committee, where she does not have voting rights.
All Governors have to have due diligence checks carried out on them, the most important of which is called the DBS (which is to ensure children’s safeguarding), have full regard to confidentiality and the need to declare any interests.
If you need to contact the governor's directly for any reason, or if you would like to know more about what we do or to find out about how to become a governor, then please do contact us on office@woodlands.harrow.sch.uk.