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To ensure effective transition and induction both in and out of school, Woodlands School has an extensive transition programme. Transition programmes are in place for every phase, not just for end of key stage, and take place throughout the year. We want every student to have a successful journey through school, from their first visit to their final day and far beyond. We plan and collaborate with all our feeder nurseries schools and our secondary schools.

Coming to Woodlands ....


The transition programme for our new pupils starts with Woodlands staff visiting the child at their current setting and then with the child's visit to the school with parents and/ or staff from their current setting. Once the placement and start date is agreed parents attend a New Families Information session where they are given a Woodlands New Information Pack, meet key staff (therapists, the school educational psychologist and a member of the transportation team) and have opportunities to ask questions. Each child will receive a booklet about their new school with photos of different areas in the school, a photo of their class teacher and key staff members.


Woodlands staff endeavour to attend annual reviews for the pupils that are about to transition into Woodlands. A member of the new staff team will also visit the pupil at their current setting and for pupils that will be starting in Early Years we will visit the family at home. When the start date is confirmed parents attend school with their child for at least two mornings as part of a smooth transition for the child. We have staggered entry into school during the first few weeks to allow each child to settle at their own pace as we realise the importance of a smooth transition period. The settling in period is then reviewed between the staff in the class, the parents and the child and adapted accordingly.​

Moving onto High School…


We have a very smooth effective transition process which involves us working  closely with secondary schools. Preparations start at the beginning of the year when the child is in year 6 in order for the secondary school to prepare and plan how to continue to meet the needs of your child. This involves information sharing where teachers here at Woodlands in collaboration with therapists prepare a detailed profile of your child which is passed on to the secondary school. These details involve how your child learns and communicates best, strategies around behaviour and school life, what the child likes/dislikes, visual timetables, mobility and any other information which will help in the smooth transition of your child to the new school.


Some of the senior leaders from the secondary schools also attend end of the year annual reviews to get to know more about  your child and anything extra which will help them to plan how they will meet your child’s needs.


We also prepare children by planning a transition period where children will make several visits to the new school and get to know adults and children they will be working on. They take part in different activities and visit the school surroundings in order for them to begin developing some understanding of the new school.


At the end of the year children take home a transition book which holds new information about the new school environment, the new teacher, new class, new bus and other information which will help the child understand. We encourage parents to read the book as much as possible with your child during the summer holiday so they are prepared for the new environment.


We also work with the families by encouraging them to visit the new school as early as possible and to take advantage of as many induction or taster days as are offered in order to make the right choice for your child as well as help them familiarise with the new environment.  


At the end of the year, we hold a special assembly for all the leavers and parents. Staff, therapists, the Harrow Mayor and other agencies who work with your child are invited to celebrate the years here at Woodlands. A photo story is shared with everyone as well as a special book with photos from all the years here at Woodlands.


Please contact our Key Stage Two Leader Lolade Alausa at school for any queries about the Year 6 transition process on office@woodlands.harrow.sch.uk

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