Dear Parents and Carers,
As you would have been aware, we have been working towards our reaccreditation for the ‘leading parent partnership award’ (LPPA). The LPPA is a national award that provides us with a valuable frame work for continuing school improvement and also gives us recognition for our commitment to working with parents and carers. I am pleased to announce that we have been successful in the reaccreditation of the LPPA! I would like to thank you all for your invaluable contributions towards the reaccreditation; parents and carers are valued members of our school community. I would also like to thank the staff and governors that were involved in the process and supported on the reassessment day. The final report stated ‘Parents value that the individual needs of children and families are met and stated their huge appreciation of the positive attitude and support that their child and whole family had from school. And ‘that Woodlands helps to forge close links between families, school and professionals, ‘When we work together we see achievements’. We are very proud of this achievement and the full report can be read below.
Many thanks
Niccola Zanelli
Assistant headteacher
Woodlands school